Listing Directory: Place

Souvenir Novelty Miner Helmets

Souvenir Miner Helmets

We carry many different styles of miner helmets. You can mix and match to make up the required 3 dozen special deal. Zebra stripes, Tiger stripes, Giraffe, Snake, blue, pink, yellow, red, white and camo. There’s a US flag helmet too! ALL helmets come with a lamp and batteries at no extra cost to you!
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Magnetic Souvenirs

The Souvenir Magnet Company

Custom Magnets are a perfect way to advertise your business.  Hand one out to every customer and they will place it on their fridge.  When they need your services again, your custom magnet is right there, on your fridge, just where they placed it when you were there on your first visit.  You’ve taken away
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